Archbishop Peter Jensen’s weekly online series on The Essential Jesus (the gospel of Luke). In each study the Archbishop will lead us through the book we intend on giving away to as many people as possible.


Read Luke chapter 24, verses 1-35.

The dawn of Sunday, and the dawn of a new age. At every stage of the ministry of Jesus there were women disciples as well as men. Now it is women who first come to the tomb, women who are told that he has been raised from the dead, women who tell the apostles. Yet the idea that he may have been raised seems unbelievable, even though Jesus had told them that this would happen. All they know for sure is that the body is missing. Then two walking to Emmaus are joined by Someone who leads them through the scriptures and breaks bread with them until their eyes are opened and they see that it is the Lord himself. Clearly a new age has brought in a new way of being human: this was after all a resurrection body.  An empty tomb; a real body: a resurrection!

1 Why is the resurrection of Jesus the key miracle? What does it tell us about the nature of the universe?

2 We can see why Jesus died. But why was he resurrected from the dead? What does it tell us about Jesus?

3 Why a resurrection and not just life after death

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Prepare for the next study by reading the rest of Luke chapter 24.

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