Taking a break between finishing high school and commencing tertiary education is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers as they consider the options for their future.

According to two of Victoria's biggest universities, in 2007 approximately 11 per cent of students enrolling in university had taken a "gap year' after finishing high school, double the number of 2005.

Anglican Youthworks offers a gap year program, Year 13, for Christian students wanting to take a break from studying but who are also interested in spending that time learning from God's word and seeking to change the world for the glory of God.

It is that desire to change the world for God that takes all Year 13 students to Fiji on a short-term mission (STM) every year. This year 41 students and 10 leaders will go to Fiji on June 24 for a month, with the aim of sharing the gospel with the lost in Fiji as well as working with our Fijian brothers and sisters in the work they do for Christ.

Zoe Vandervelde finished year 12 last year at Launceston Christian School. She decided to take a gap year and complete the Year 13 program because she was passionate about the gospel and wanted to see how gospel ministry might fit into God's plan for her.

"I'm up for whatever God wants me to do, whether it's full-time ministry, or something at uni or mission work, I don't know. That's why I'm doing Year 13, to see where God wants me to go," she said.

Zoe has never travelled out of Australia; so travelling to Fiji on STM will prove a challenge in many ways.

"I'm a little bit nervous about adapting to the weather and the food. Coming from Tasmania I'm used to the cold and I don't think that it'll be like that in Fiji. Apparently they eat a lot of curries and rice, so I don't know how I'll handle that. Apart from that I'm not too nervous I'm just excited," she said.

While they are heading to a Pacific island, the students are well aware that they are not going on a Pacific holiday, but in fact to work as servants of Christ.

"We're going on a short term mission trip to Fiji, it's not a holiday at all. We're going there to be a part of Fiji and see how the Fijians live, we're not doing any of the holiday stuff," Zoe said.

The students will work with local churches to support and encourage them in the work they are doing. They will help lead youth programs and take part in church activities and ministry. Students will also spend time living with locals in order for them to get a true taste of Fijian life and culture.

Zoe is looking forward to the amazing opportunity that God has given her to serve in this way. She believes that God is using Year 13 and the trip to Fiji to show her how she can use her life as a sacrifice.

"I'm looking forward to discover how God will use me in Fiji and how He’ll challenge me by revealing my weaknesses and strengths," she said. "I'm really looking forward to being able to share the gospel with the Fijians."

Read Zoe’s first blog here

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