Matthew Parsons
Year 13 Intensive student, Gunnedah, NSW


I'm Matt Parsons from Gunnedah, spending my time this year doing the Year 13 Intensive course in Glen Innes.

2 days before we left and I still hadn't finalised what I was going to take to Fiji. My clothes were sorted into piles of "take', "maybe take', and "DEFINITELY DO NOT TAKE! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?! THAT JUMPER WILL KILL YOU!'  Having spent a good deal of the last 6 months doing the Intensive course in Glen Innes - where the average minimum temperate this month has been a lovely 1.9°C " I think the change of temperature and type of clothes in Fiji may take some adjusting to.

I'm no stranger to that part of the world, having spent a month in Indonesia at the end of last year on a Short Term Mission with my family. I guess the questions that challenge me about going to Fiji are: How will I be useful? How will I step up and contribute?

This is our chance to serve God and the people of Fiji. This is my chance to serve God and the people of Fiji.

This time we not going overseas with our parents where we can happily sit back while they do all the work, nor are we just going over to watch some experienced Youthworks or Missionary team do all the work.

This is our trip with God's mission.

My last minute prayer is not about culture shock, that no one would get sick, that we wouldn't get bad food, that none of our luggage would get lost or that God would turn all our cold showers to hot ones " though I'm sure many of those prayers will be prayed.

My last minute prayer is that we would be useful for God and serve him well over in Fiji " with that everything else should just fall into place.

I was at a Lay Preacher's Training Day in Barraba on the weekend where one of the talks was on the book of Esther and how to preach from Old Testament narrative.
Where is God in the book of Esther? Well he's right there, behind the scenes in control of everything.

This is a great comfort as we leave for Fiji.

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