Family and friends gave thanks for the life of the Rev Richard Nixey who passed away on Thursday, February 8.

A memorial service led by Bishop Peter Tasker was held at St Alban’s, Belmore at 11 am this morning at which Archbishop Peter Jensen preached. Bishop Tasker also led a private funeral service for the family and close friends earlier this morning.

Archbishop Jensen said there was no higher accolade for a minister than for him to be recognised as "a faithful gospel man and a pastor to his people".

Dr Jensen continued, saying that if Richard were preaching today "he would not be saying look at me, but rather look at Jesus " the one who has beaten death".

Belmore youth minister Steve Flanagan says over 400 people attended the memorial service.

"It shows what a wide network of people Richard worked with and the wide range of ministries he was involved in," he says.

Richard's son Simon spoke about learning of Christ from his father. Richard's wife Lyndell prepared a tribute which was read about by a friend on her behalf.

Richard was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder on Monday of last week which led to kidney and liver failure. He was hospitalised on Thursday and passed away Thursday night.

Richard, 59, was the rector of Belmore with McCallums Hill and Clemton Park since 1991.