Away from the conference venue - GAFCON pilgrims have had an emotional service on the water at Galilee in which six ferries were lashed together in the centre of the lake.

Groups of pilgrims, singing songs of worship in different tongues, took the short launch trip from the landing site into still, calm waters. With perfect choreography, the five boats lined abreast of each other.

In an operation supervised by Israeli maritime police, the boats were tied together while the pilgrims started singing.

The Primate of Tanzania, Archbishop Valentino Makiwa read the passage about Jesus calming the storm from Matthew chapter 8 and then Bishop Bill Atwood of the Church of Kenya preached about the way ahead, urging pilgrims to remember their experience on the Sea of Galilee when stormy times came.

Bishop Atwood urged pilgrims to surrender their personal and corporate storms to Jesus, the only one who can calm them.

A moment of silence and reflection was observed and then pilgrims said the Lord’s Prayer, each in their own language.

The sea was at a perfect calm and the six boats, floating together, symbolised the unity of the GAFCON pilgrims. No-one attempted to walk on the water.

The ferries then headed back to Capernaum for a walk around the historic site, including the ruins of an early synagogue and what is believed to be the Apostle Peter’s house.

Then followed a barbecue in the Jordan River Park.

Despite the heat of the day, the logistical operation to move and feed 1200 pilgrims went smoothly.