I have been using Things for a while to manage my to-do list. It’s easy on the eye, and works on my Mac and iPhone.

However, I stopped using it for two reasons:

  1. I experienced difficulties syncing between my computer and iPhone. This is more my fault than the fault of Things (I could probably work out how to get it working again), but I didn’t, and my to do items weren’t up to date.
  2. There were too many options for managing my tasks. Projects, Areas of Responsibility, Today, Someday - I was paralysed with choices, and instead of working out a system, I stopped using it altogether.

I then returned to pen and paper. Until now. I’ve now discovered TeuxDeux, and it’s proving to be a very useful tool.

In essence, it’s a tool that allows you to add a task, something you need to do, to a particular date.

Some of the things I like about this tool:

  • It’s web-based - i.e. you’re not restricted to a Mac, a PC, or even the same computer to access your tasks.
  • You can see today’s tasks, and the tasks for the next 4 days on the one screen.
  • It’s easy to jump to the future to add a task.
  • Any tasks you don’t get done today automatically move to tomorrow.
  • There’s an iPhone app that syncs very nicely with the web interface.

Watch this video, and see how it works. I recommend you give it a shot!

TeuxDeux Part Deux from TeuxDeux on Vimeo.

What does the Bible say about productivity?

Two posts have helped me to think Biblically about productivity:

- C.J. Mahaney’s series on Biblical Productivity
- Desiring God’s Matt Perman, interviewed on Christianity Today about ‘A Theology of Workflow’

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