An interview with Daryn Robert Graham, author of The First Christians, Not Just Ancient History.

Several times in this blog people have commented about their frustration with book topics that might not be available, the desire to write books, or the desire to be published. This week I have interviewed Daryn Robert Graham, who has just self-published: The First Christians, a fresh look at the early history of the church based on the latest research and ancient sources.

Why did you decide to write this book?

I have studied ancient history at university level and I came to discover that it corroborates what is said in the New Testament. But I have also found that many people hold themselves back from committing their lives to Jesus because of doubt and uncertainty over the truthfulness of what Christianity is all about. So I decided to share with people like them what I have discovered and studied and simply let them and others know that Christianity is built upon the most solid of truths, and that just as the first century Christians knew this to be the case, so can we.

How does your book differ from others by Australian authors released recently e.g. Paul Barnett and John Dickson?

I guess my book is similar to other Christian authors in general in that it is evangelistic and at the same time focussed on what makes Christianity THE true faith. But what makes it different is largely the range of ancient sources it includes to do this. Barnett’s book is great - I haven’t yet read Dickson’s - however I have not tried to copy them. Instead I have taken a fresh look at the sources drawing on my own investigation and presented how I believe they reflect on first century Christianity.

What do you hope to achieve through releasing this book?

In releasing this book it is simply my hope to bring others closer to God. Whether they are already Christians who are looking for something to strengthen their faith, or others who are interested in finding out what Jesus and the Bible is about in the hope for some spiritual guidance for themselves, I hope that my efforts in writing my book will help them achieve all this and inspire them to pray, go to a church and the like.

What has been the initial response?

So far I have sold around 65 copies of The First Christians: Not Just Ancient History. Family and friends, of course have been very supportive, as has my church family at St Matthew’s Windsor. I have my book in stock at local bookstores and they have all sold several copies so far. I hope that the book will continue to do well, but sales aren’t important. What’s important to me is that whoever does buy it will be encouraged through reading it.

Why did you decide to self-publish?

I decided to self publish because in my book I take a different approach to other writers. It is neither an academic book, novel, or sensationalist so the publishers I took my book to were not very interested. So I looked on the net, found BOOKPAL Publishers who specialise in self-publication and gave them a call. They’ve been great - supportive, kind and very helpful throughout the publishing process - and I couldn’t ask for more than that.

What are the steps to publication?

Well you need a little bit of dough. And you need to find a publisher - but they all have websites so finding one you like is as easy as getting a computer. If you can see yourself doing some of the hard work in promoting your book and selling it you can do a deal with your publisher whereby you take care of these things and this decreases your expenditure. I suggest, though, find a publisher that is supportive of you. There’s no point in picking the first one you find if you’re not going to be happy with their product.

Is the book everything you had hoped for?

The first time I read my book I thought “what a beautiful book”. Even though I had written it, it still moved me almost to tears. I am so proud of it I just have to share it with other people.

Do you have some advice for other Christians hoping to write and get published?

My advice is to plan your book out well - start to finish or chapter at a time, whatever suits. But do plan Don’t just write the first thing unplanned because you will find that it will not flow as smoothly as you might hope. Oh, and yes, follow your heart at all times because that is why you would write a book at all - and given that God lives in your heart it is the best place to draw inspiration from in general.

What is next for you?

I graduate with a Master of Arts degree in Ancient World Studies at the University of Sydney next year, after which I plan to go to Bible College, where I hope to begin a Master of Divinity. I also think that I will write other books in the future. In the meantime though, plenty of prayer and learning from God’s word - that will stand me in great stead.

To check out Daryn's book, go to the book’s website at [url=][/url] where you can read chapter one. There is also a link to purchase the book.

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