CMS (the Church Missionary Society) is in uncertain financial waters, said CMS-NSW General Secretary John Bales at the opening session of this year's CMS Summer School at Katoomba.

Taking to the platform last weekend, John spoke frankly about CMS's financial situation in the wake of last year's global financial crisis. "2008-2009 was a difficult year for CMS," he said. "On-the-field expenses rose as the Australian dollar dropped in value " just as local churches across NSW began to feel the heat. With giving from CMS supporters and link churches down, the NSW branch fell short last financial year."

"We did manage to meet our commitments, but only by cutting some missionary allowances, reducing home staff and admin costs, and drawing from reserves from CMS-Australia," said John. "These reserves are now depleted, and we won't be able to fall back on them in future years."

Looking to the future, John turned to the principles that have shaped CMS's work since its beginnings over 200 years ago. "CMS's first two principles are to "Follow God's leading' and to "Put money in second place'. This means that money ought not to determine who we choose as missionaries or where we locate them.

"But putting money in second place doesn't mean giving it no place. We need to have the money to provide for missionaries and to ensure the functioning of CMS's state branches."

Speaking from Philippians 4:10-20, John said that generous support of God's mission isn't about need and supply, but about the work of the Spirit in the lives of God's people. "As Paul wrote to his mission partners in Philippi, he was not so much excited about the gift of the church at Philippi toward his ministry, as he was about their loving partnership in that ministry. 

"Paul rejoiced in what God had done in their hearts. He saw their gifts in a deeper light " he saw the fruit of the Spirit which had welled up in their generosity."

In these choppy financial waters, John is confident in God's continued provision for CMS. Eighteen new missionaries are being sent out into the world from NSW this year, and John is excited to see God mobilise his people in partnership for the sake of his gospel. "The measure of God's generosity is the wealth that is in Christ. And one great privilege of my job is seeing how that overflows in the generosity of God's people, for his work."

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