Tracy Yap is loading up her car with art in preparation for tonight's "Primary' exhibition which features some of the best work from Christian artists.

The Fellowship for Evangelism in the Visual Arts (FEVA) is holding their second annual art exhibition fund raiser where almost 100 pieces from FEVA ministry members will be on display and up for sale.

Ms Yap, who is leading the organising committee for the first time says it has been a challenging task but well worth the effort.

"Trying to find the bits and pieces and gather work on time has been tough but it was nice to be asked because I have been planning to organise an exhibition for a while," she says.

Ms Yap, 24, was part of a FEVA Bible study while studying at the College of Fine Arts. She has remained part of the network ministry while commencing her new role as a photographic studio assistant.

She says the aim of "Primary' is to raise funds and promote awareness for FEVA's various ministries.

"It's been a privilege to put an exhibit together for such a good cause," she says.

FEVA's administrator, Judith Atkins says there will also be interactive components to the exhibition that play on the theme of "Primary' including the opportunity to make "Mr Squiggle' style drawings and "butterfly' paintings.

However, she insists the quality art and support to FEVA's ministry are the best reasons for attending.

"There will be a wide range of paintings, sculptures, photos, clothes, jewellery, handbags and cards on display from students and graduates of FEVA's ministry and all are for sale," Ms Atkins says.

She says the funds raised will help support FEVA in this "year of consolidation'. 

"FEVA has grown over the past few years as we have brought on more ministry staff," Ms Atkins says.

FEVA is involved in four key areas of ministry " on campus student ministry to design students, "Christians By Design' for architect and design graduates, Create " a ministry promoting the gospel through creative projects and Petersham Evening Church at All Saints', Petersham.

"We require an additional 7000 dollars per month so our aim is to broaden our support base " in the short term through exhibition sales and in the long term through regular prayer and financial support," Ms Atkins says.

Ms Yap believes people will be impressed with the quality of art on display.

"We have some really talented and creative Christian artists who are part of FEVA," she says.

"It is good to see them working in the field of art and doing it to promote the gospel."

Primary opens tonight, Friday 31st March from 6:30pm and continues Saturday 1st April from 10am to 2pm at Petersham Evening Church, 325 Stanmore Rd, Petersham. Entry is free.

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