This is possibly the most practical book on how to run a church I have read. The book does not give a list of things by which " if followed - you can close your church; it puts positively what should be done in order to keep a church going. The implication is, not to do these things will almost certainly result in that church's demise. Every minister, leader, church administrator, church strategist and church member should be required to read this book.
I feel I have had a head start over most readers. I have known the authors for many years. I was even a part of a Prayer Group with each of these men for a long while. This book faces problems that too many of us have swept under the carpet " divisions in a local church, class structures, culture and ageism (e.g. a church appealing to one particular age " as in reaching out only to students).
The authors encourage many modern methods " like the use of DVDs and the creative arts, but insist that the Gospel does not change, neither should the proclamation of the Gospel be left to drama groups. David and Stephen equally lament some of the methods that are used today to make churches grow, some of which is glib stuff from the U.S.A. - and simply won't work in Britain or Australia. So many of the methods stress growth and success and seem to lack true spirituality. I know exactly what they are talking about.
I was interested in their insistence that small groups that meet during the week should not be allowed to teach anything of which the leadership does not approve. This prevents needless divisions and factions in the church. Such groups also provide an answer to the loneliness that is on the increase all over the world today. People need to belong to a community. The fellowship at the close of a service is not enough to do this. Pastoral care should always be available to those who come to a church; people may need to see somebody, even if the pastor is not around. Above all, people should be praying in the background.
We could have used a lot of the wisdom in this book at the Chapel in my day there! Not that one could apply all the suggestions that David and Stephen offer. But you will enjoy and profit what you are about to read " I promise it.
Dr R. T. Kendall was for 25 years, until 2002, Minister at Westminster Chapel, London. He is a hugely popular speaker and writer, being the author of over 40 books.                                                                   

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