With those words, The Rev. Canon Peter Lindsay Hayward has undertaken the promises of a bishop at his consecration as the new Bishop of Wollongong.

Watched by his family, including two newly married children, bishops from Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, the ACT and the province of New South Wales, clergy and friends, Bishop Hayward was consecrated at St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney on Tuesday night 13th April.

In all more than a dozen bishops were present including former Archbishop Harry Goodhew, himself a former Bishop of Wollongong, as well as others who have held the office such as Reg Piper and Al Stewart.

Photo: Bishops from around Australia lay hands on Bishop Hayward (Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos)

The former vice-principal of Moore College Dr Peter O'Brien preached from 1 Corinthians 9 " "Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel".

Dr O'Brien recalled the passage was quoted at last year's funeral of Sir Marcus Loane as the driving words of his ministry.

Dr O'Brien said biblical priorities needed to be the foundation of the new bishop's approach to the job.

"Many of you know the Wollongong region much better than I and you will be aware that issues such as evangelism, church planting, reaching out to non-Christians is a top priority. It will require creative thinking, it will mean drawing in men and women, youth workers, perhaps dozens of others who have a heart for it and are prepared to experiment. I'm sure this is what Peter will want to do as he gets to know the region. He will want to pray for this sort of thing, to give advice, to lead as he can." Dr O'Brien told the congregation.

Photo: Dr Peter O’Brien (Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos)

"But setting the right priorities will also entail an ongoing, teaching, pastoral care and building up people in Christ. It will involve I presume, teachers, retirees, dairy farmers international students, immigrants from South America, refugees from Eastern Europe and all kinds of Aussies to boot. It will need understanding, finding out where they are in their lives and bringing the Word of God to bear as opportunity arises" he said.

There will be a local welcome to Wollongong for Bishop Hayward on at 10 am, Saturday 17th April at St Michael's Cathedral.

The Wollongong region, part of the Sydney Diocese, includes some areas of Sutherland Shire, Campbelltown, the Southern Highlands and extends down the South Coast to Ulladulla.



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