Southern Highlands farmer Brian Flower may have pulled off an evangelistic coup after Synod agreed with his left of field idea of an Essential Jesus display at Sydney's Royal Agricultural Show next Easter.

Mr Flower, who has a long-relationship with the Royal Agricultural Show said, "This would give us the opportunity of spreading the Word of God to the 1 million people who pass through the gates" of the biggest single event in Australia."

Mr Flower explained that the nub of his vision was of teams of young Sydney Anglicans going around early each morning and contacting the "young jackaroos and jillaroos" who are there looking after the animals.

The Rev Jeremy Tonks, rector of Sutton Forest, backed the proposal saying that he had found it as hard "to access large rural properties" for ministry purposes as he had in accessing security apartment blocks in the city.

"It's such a no-brainer" I don't know why we didn't think of it before."

Amendments from Bishop Al Stewart and Canon Jim Ramsay reworded the motion so it finally read: "Synod asks the Connect09 management committee to consider sponsoring a display of "The Essential Jesus" at the Royal Agricultural Show next Easter."

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