Recently I wrote a post encouraging us to learn from church planters on our doorstep, and not just from those on the other side of the world.

Are our 'prophets without honour' at home? Or are we so focus on theological foundation that we ignore issues of strategy and growth? (Not that I want to take anything away from the importance of a theological foundation.)

In recent times, we have tended to look across the Atlantic a little more. No doubt there remains many things to learn (remember, Anglican churches have not grown statistically in a number of years). But let's not ignore the value of engaging in discussions with some of our experienced locals. They have much to contribute. And more importantly, we don’t need to apply a cultural filter when listening to their advice.

By any measure, Central Coast Evangelical Church is now one of Australia's largest evangelical churches. It has grown to that point from a church plant in 1996.

They will be holding a weekend where people can chew over ministry and growth issues with the leaders involved.

They told me that they are not claiming to be experts, but just seeking to use the opportunity to get people thinking and talking with one another about mission. This is exactly the kind of thing that we need.

The weekend is being held on 29-31 May (Saturday to Monday morning). You can find out more from .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

I wonder if others are aware of similar local opportunities to dialogue with one another about issues of strategy and growth.

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