today launches a new series of e-services that promise to breathe relevance back into your inbox.

"Frankly, every time I open my inbox these days, I do so with a sense of trepidation," Mark Hadley, editor of confesses.

"I've got my finger poised over the "delete' key because I just know that at least half of what I'm going to receive is junk."

In April this year a Microsoft security report estimated that more than 97% of all emails sent over the net are unwanted.

It was the desire to see more wanted things finding their way to inboxes that spurred Mr Hadley's New Media team to create a range of emails aimed to help their Christian community.

"This week we're introducing four email services that our online community can subscribe to which we hope will actually become something people look forward to receiving," he says.


In an effort to assist Christians caught up in the Global Financial Crisis, is introducing an email service that will deliver a list of positions vacant every Wednesday.

"Unemployment is predicted to hit 6 percent this year," Mr Hadley says. "We see this as not only a way to care for our community, but also help them to care for people they know who are struggling."


Life+ will offer weekly links to's up-to-date analysis of the trends, films, books and television programs that go to make up Australian culture.

It will feature contributions from respected observers like Michael Jensen, Craig Schwarze and Kara Martin, as well as links to the site’s latest videos, vodcasts and podcasts.

Top 5 News

Russell Powell has more than 30 years experience across all forms of media, with a long career as one of Australian radio’s most prominent journalists and presenters.

At he edits the Breaking News service that scours the web each day for stories of interest to Christians.

Now users can have his Top 5 News summary of the most important stories each week delivered directly to their Inbox.

News Bulletin

More than 2,000 Sydney Christians already subscribe to's Monday morning e-bulletin.

This popular email service has been redesigned to deliver more of's most popular and important Christian content.

"For people who are so busy they need to scan rather than read, this is the email to sign up for," says Mr Hadley.

Click here to browse the new e-services

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