CMS missionaries Martin and Julie Field leave Sydney in February to help in a strategic push to train and equip the future leadership of the Latin American church.

Only a handful of part-time Christian staff workers currently serve over one million Argentine university students.

"The church is growing in Argentina," says Martin Field. "It's not pioneer work, but the evangelical church needs confidence in God's word, and to grow in their understanding of the Scriptures."

After 12 months of language study in Buenos Aires, the Fields will be posted to a university to work with the evangelical student organisation ABUA (Asociación Biblica Universitaria Argentina), most likely in a provincial city.

"There's so much work to do," says Martin. "Every province has a university, and many have small groups, but there are no staffworkers alongside them."

"We hope to be involved in raising up a new generation of gospel workers " not just fulltime workers " but a generation who love Christ and who will serve in their churches for the rest of their lives."

Both Martin and Julie have worked with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students in western Sydney, and for both student ministry played a key role in their Christian growth.

"At high school I had been a "wimpy' Christian," says Martin.

"Things changed at uni where I was challenged to think about what it meant to give up my life for the gospel. Uni is a great place for the gospel to shape the decisions that Christian students make about the future."

Julie met Jesus as a first year university student.

"I reaslied that being a "good' person was not what God required," she says. "God kindly placed many Christians in my path who introduced me to Jesus."

She says that as well as family and friends, she will greatly miss Cadbury chocolate.

"Apparently they do have it over there, but it's really awful!" she laughs.

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