My top seven observations on the pokies debate.

7. Political advocacy against (or for) pokies reform has no place on the broadcast of the footy finals, any more than live promotion of gambling odds, especially when so many children are watching. 

6. The Productivity Commission - not noted as wowsers - urged a focus on pokies because the rapid, repeat, high intensity play possible on the pokies makes them so much more unsafe than other forms of gambling. [See my fact sheet summary of the Commission's report}

5. Most clubs donate less than 5% of their pokie profits to community groups. [See this SMH article]

4. The reforms being proposed exempt lower impact, low turnover machines, and allow a longer phase-in period for smaller clubs.

3. Sporting and community clubs survive quite well in WA, where they have no pokies. 

2. A recent opinion poll showed 67% of people in favour of the mandatory pre-commitment scheme being proposed by Mr Wilkie and the Gillard Government. [See this article ]

1. The Productivity Commission reports that 40% of pokie profits come from problem gamblers. [Again, see my fact sheet summary of the PC's report] How can that be a ethical business model for anyone to justify?

If this reasoning strikes you as sound, let your MPs know. 


(Photo credit: Andres Rueda)

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