Sydney Missionary and Bible College is sending out a record number of new graduates to deliver an old message.

The 88th graduation service for the Croydon-based college broke all previous benchmarks with 155 students graduating from a variety of courses.

Graduand Matthew Vander Heiden paid tribute to a college dedicated to focussing students on the Gospel message rather than its messengers.

"Our time in SMBC was not to tell us what the Bible means, but to teach us how to find out for ourselves, what the Bible means," he says.

College staff read out the intentions of students graduating as each accepted their certificates.

The diverse range of ministries and occupations included a significant number of students proceeding on to missionary work throughout the world.

SMBC also experienced a high in enrolments during 2004 with more than 400 part-time students taking part in courses held at the Croydon campus, as well as extension centres in Campbelltown and Kellyville.

Anglican Dean Phillip Jensen delivered the address, challenging students to clearly preach the old message of the cross to a new world.

"It’s Christ and Him crucified that we want preached. Some see the message as folly but others see it as the power of God," he told students.

"If you do not know the power of God, ask someone here tonight - there are
plenty of them available, especially those who have been trained!"

More information regarding the college and its courses can be found at the Sydney Missionary and Bible College website.

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