"Wow' is the word that describes the way Megan Sakoua feels about meeting with the Women on Wednesdays (WOW) Bible study group at St John's, Sylvania.

"It's just been brilliant. I have learnt so much and my heart and eyes have been opened," says Megan, a member of the growing women's weekday Bible study group.

WOW is a Bible study aimed at young mums that allows them to bring their babies and pre-school aged children along too.

Volunteers in the church look after the little ones in a crèche, allowing the mothers to share fellowship, morning tea and a Bible study without being distracted.

Megan joined the group soon after it began in July last year. While the mother of five had been attending church at Sylvania for the last five years, she was initially nervous upon joining a Bible study group for the first time.

"I had been asked earlier in the year to join a Wednesday night study but I didn't think I was ready," Megan says.

WOW coordinator Cathy Sampson asked Megan to join the newly formed WOW Bible study and Megan reluctantly joined.

Cathy says Megan is now the most enthusiastic member.

"She was our most nervous starter having never been in a Bible study before but she has become our best advertiser. She is very keen and it's been exciting watching her grow," Cathy says.

Megan, who brings her three youngest children to WOW, says attending the group has increased her confidence as a Christian.

"I find it quite easy to share my faith with a lot of people at the moment," Megan says.

"A lady in our group had a sister who she wanted to come to the group, but the sister wouldn't listen to her because they were sisters. I had a good a chat with her and she has now started to come along," Megan says.

WOW started with just three young mums and now has a gathering of 12 most Wednesdays.

"Women's ministry is stronger than it's ever been in our church. There's a real Christian sisterhood in our church as we study the Bible and realise we are all in this together," Megan says.

"As young mums we all have so much in common and we are able to help out one another all the time," she says.

Cathy says it has been exciting watching the spiritual growth amongst the women in WOW.

"For a Bible study group of sleep-deprived mums, I am always amazed by the depth of discussion that comes out. Seeing their excitement at studying Gods' word week after week is very encouraging," she says.

"As someone who has been a Christian for years, watching the new awakenings time and time again is wonderful. It reminds you that God's word is really worth being excited about."

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