Naomi McGrath has shed her painters smock and donned a power suit to help seek and save the lost in Sydney's CBD.

The former FEVA (Fellowship for Evangelism in the Visual Arts) ministry apprentice is coordinating Ecom's (Evangelising Commerce) city outreach called "Do you feel life's become a trivial pursuit?', which is one of the many Moore College missions taking place across Australia and overseas this week.

Ecom is running over 20 events for the public plus another 20 private events in individual workplaces including KPMG, Optus, Telstra and various law firms.

"Ecom is making the Bible accessible to city workers by running public Bible talks along with a series of events inside companies for employees to invite their friends and co-workers to," Mrs McGrath says.

The Ecom team also has a strong presence in the CBD with five street stalls in Martin Place, Hyde Park, Queens Square, Wynyard Park, and Sydney Square.

"We have coffee carts " with the good coffee, not the instant stuff " which we are giving away, as well as free bags containing tracts, brochures, biscuits and gospels," Mrs McGrath says.

Ecom managing director, Peter Kaldor says the team has set some big goals for their first ever Moore College mission.

"We want to give over 1000 people a clear gospel presentation, follow up at least 40 people and gain a much greater public awareness for the City Bible Forum," he says.

Along with the 20 Moore College students who have joined the Ecom staff team for a week of evangelism, 17 city workers have taken one or more days off work to give time to manning the street stalls.

Ecom is spending over $30,000, handing out 20,000 brochures and sending out almost 100 pairs of street evangelists " many giving up their lunch hours " to help present the gospel.

"It's amazing to see people taking a day of annual leave to go outside their comfort zone and speak to people they don't know about Jesus," Mrs McGrath says.

Other events will include cooking demonstrations and musical performances by Nathan Tasker and a Christian a Capella signing group.

Ecom will also be working in close partnership with The Bible Talks congregation at St Andrew's Cathedral, as well as a number of other city churches.

One of the key events is an evangelistic talk and dinner hosted by TBT (The Bible Talks) from 6:30pm tonight at Chapter House, St Andrew's Cathedral.

The rector of St Barnabas, Broadway, the Rev Ian Powell will speak on "When having it all is not enough'.

Mr Kaldor hopes the mission's theme of "trivial pursuits' will challenge people to ask the "bigger questions'.

"I think if you sat anyone down and asked them "Does money buy you happiness?' they would say know," Mr Kaldor says.

"But the reality is, the decisions many of us make and the way we live shows the contradiction to what we profess."

As a former merchant banker, Mr Kaldor knows the challenges of the corporate world.

"Finance is a demanding area where people are time poor. The thing which drives most people is the fear that they won't live up to their reputation."

"That is a real contrast to the gospel which requires humility and admitting you don't have all the answers."

Find out more about Ecom's mission.

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