Today I decided to go to work, to spend some time with my husband and children and to do some housework (not much of that though!).
Over the past five to ten years I have decided what job opportunities to pursue, whether to get married and where to live. In all of these big decisions there has been a hunger to understand how God guides me and to be wise in the direction that I take.
Thankfully, there is now new study material for small groups and individuals that helps us to examine guidance as it is explained in the Bible.
Where to Lord? covers six studies summarising what the Bible as a whole says about guidance. Questions we all have include: am I missing out on God's personal guidance? How does God guide his people today? If God speaks, will I hear his voice? How do I know God's will for my life?
Study One examines the grand plan that God has for the world, bringing all things under the rule of Jesus. Study Two focuses on repentance and faith in Christ. Study Three and Four establish the Bible as the way that God communicates His message to us and that it is through the Bible that we can make sense of the world in which we live. Study Five examines wisdom and Study Six provides the opportunity to think through guidance and work.
The Bible passages come from both the Old and New Testaments and provide great analyses of the issues raised. The questions based on the Bible passages enable a growing understanding of God's perspective on guidance.
The format is similar to other Matthias Small Group studies with "For Starters' ice breaker questions, "Investigate' questions on the Bible and "Think It Through' application questions. An added bonus in this series is the "Look and Listen' sections and the accompanying DVD or video. This allows for summary presentations on what the Bible says or on what has been learnt in previous studies. Sections are provided in the workbooks for individuals to take notes on what is said during the DVD presentation.
Also, a suggested time schedule for Small Groups is provided at the end of the workbook allowing each study to be completed within one hour. This proved to be very helpful as the time segments for the DVD varied across the studies from one minute to seven minutes.
Where to Lord? is a refreshing look at understanding guidance in the Bible and sheds light on some of those big decisions that we all face in life.
Dr Melissa Razey recently decided to return to teaching after two years as the Small Groups Director at St Paul's, Castle Hill.