For Josh Hawkins, Jesus is Lord over everything, including his YouTube videos.
For Josh Hawkins, Jesus is Lord over everything, including his YouTube videos.
The Federal Government has announced the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) will continue.
There’s nothing easier for a popular tabloid journalist than to create a caricature.
Synod has voted to merge Anglicare and Anglican Retirement Villages (ARV) to better meet the need for their services in the future.
Do you thank God for Anzac Day?
New Zealand has become the latest country to launch a branch of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans.
I am not by nature a numbers kind of guy. So you may be surprised to hear about these numbers from me.
One of the leaders of the Anglican Church in South Sudan has visited Sydney, seeking help to boost theological training in the new nation.
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