Amid the howls of anger these days at Christians in general, the Centre for Public Christianity has decided to tackle the criticism head-on.
Amid the howls of anger these days at Christians in general, the Centre for Public Christianity has decided to tackle the criticism head-on.
In this centenary year of the Great War’s end, Colin Bale considers the difference faith makes to an Australian soldier’s epitaph.
Rather than sticking to science, Simon Hirth has found his role allows him to also play an important part in the spiritual development of his students through the Year 12 mentorship program.
Village Church Annandale has opened up its land to the community, in a move that’s been welcomed by members of the parish, government and locals alike.
In a perfect answer to the question of the value to workplaces of those with disability, Employable Me follows nine Australians with a range of neurological conditions such as autism, Fragile X, Asperger’s and Tourette’s Syndrome as they seek to find a job.
When The Handmaid’s Tale TV series came out in April last year, it was seen as creating striking parallels to society today. If we don’t agree with the society shown in The Handmaid’s Tale, how can we respond to the values represented in the Bible?
“We want to be a light to Stanhope Gardens and the surrounding suburbs, and we believe the building will help us to reach out and hopefully be a blessing to the community.”
Christ Church, Mortdale is keeping evangelism and mission front and centre with a parish-wide mission goal.
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