"What an unusual title!" I thought as I began reading this autobiography by Dr Grace Warren.

But have you ever gone from doctor to doctor for relief of an ailment, losing hope of ever functioning normally again?

Doctor Grace Warren has spent her professional life bringing hope to people who have lost hope.

Christian missionary, surgeon, teacher " she has led a remarkable life in the service of the disabled, primarily those suffering from leprosy.

The child of missionary parents, who in her schooldays "scraped through the Leaving Certificate on her second attempt" gives God the glory for the achievements and worldwide acclaim that she has been given. 

Blessed with a "practical streak' she has perfected surgical techniques in reconstructive surgery on hands, feet and faces. The treatment of leprosy and its attendant deformities through nerve damage is dealt with at length throughout the book. These techniques are now being applied to diabetes, post-trauma patients and others who have problems similar to those of leprosy.

Doctor Grace's life has been a series of "God-directed happenings'.  From a locum position at a Leprosy Hospital in Hong Kong in 1959, where initially being "far from sure she was going to enjoy this job and find it worthwhile" it became her life's work and passion.

In 1961-62 Dr Warren became Medical Superintendent of the hospital and a Full Member of The Leprosy Mission. She began making visits to leprosy work in other countries, teaching and demonstrating by surgery the methods she had perfected.

With closure of the Hai Ling Chau Hospital in 1975 and based at Manorom OMF Hospital in Thailand Dr. Grace pursued an itinerant ministry all over the world on behalf of The Leprosy Mission, until her "retirement' in 1989 and then "more of the same' based from home in Sydney.

Dr. Grace still continues to do "a certain amount of travelling, teaching and lecturing" as well as writing her memoirs and numerous scientific papers.

I commend to your reading this life and work of Dr Grace Warren, who has used the gifts that God has given her as "a totally committed Christian doctor…. to take on the world and leave it a better place". 

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