Archbishop Peter Jensen’s weekly online series on The Essential Jesus (the gospel of Luke). In each study the Archbishop will lead us through the book we intend on giving away to as many people as possible.


Read Luke chapter 9, verses 1-27.

Who is Jesus? This is what we want people to consider carefully. We have seen a fervent commitment to him. We have seen a dangerous hostility.. Talk of the kingdom of God had political ramifications. He gathered disciples and sent them out to preach and enact the kingdom. Worse - he did what God did for the people of Israel in the desert. He fed a great horde of people miraculously. Afterwards that he asked his disciples about their verdict on him. It was a moment of commitment. Peter answered, 'You are the Christ of God'. This could indicate a hope of a political messiah on the path to glory. At once Jesus makes clear that his future was to be glory, but only through rejection and death. Discipleship would always mean the same sacrificial pattern enacted daily in the denial of self for the sake of following Jesus.

1 'What does it profit a person if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his very self?' What are the spiritual dangers of life in the modern world?

2 How do people think of Jesus?  How would they answer his question today?

3 Why does Jesus use the vivid image of cross-bearing for the life of the disciple and why does he talk about taking up the cross daily?

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