I've got nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.

The preaching program has this ugly four week post-Christmas hole in it. So I need your help to fix it.

I've flicked through the Bible. I've prayed. I've tried to come up with just four simple talks.

I'm sure I'm not alone. Who else struggles with this?

If you don't then share your great ideas and save us the time it would take to steal them.

Its a weird time of year to plan for. Most of the congregation are away for some of it so stand alone talks work better. No-one wants to think too hard in January, although it is a time when some people are making New Years resolutions and 2011 plans. Its also the time when we get a stack of people who've just moved into the area come looking for a church.

A great summer series at church?

To get you going, let me tell you about the series we did last summer - 21st Century Heresies and How to avoid them. I was inspired by the Stanley Hauerwas edited book Heresies and How to Avoid Them. (The Hendrickson site has a free chapter download on Arianism & Intro to the book along with a Table of Contents.)

So we did:
What don't Christians believe?
Is Jesus really divine?
Is Jesus really human?
Can God suffer?
Can people be saved by their own efforts?

By the way, our Mission Area met this morning. One of the things we talked about was the way we might be able to share resources like this. We're planning to make available Christmas brochures and graphics - so much re-inventing of the wheel is happening otherwise.
So over to you - help me and help us all - what makes for a good summer series?