The ordeal of freed Australian hostage Douglas Wood mirrors the imprisonment of the apostle Paul, says Archdeacon Narelle Jarrett, and Christians need to learn his secret for dealing with suffering.

Archdeacon Jarrett, who is celebrating her 20th year as the Principal of Mary Andrews College (MAC), is speaking on the topic on Christian contentment this weekend at the MAC Women's Ministry Conference at Stanwell Tops.

"Paul was writing from prison in a situation somewhat like Douglas Wood's, his life threatened and without any physical comfort," Archdeacon Jarrett says.

"He says in Philippians 4:12 "I have learned the secret of being content in every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

"At this conference we are responding to Paul's challenge to learn how to be content."

The Women’s Ministry Conference is now in its 15th year and organisers say the topic has never had more relevance.

A recent survey carried out by Edith Cowan and Deakin Universities with the National Church Life Survey and Anglicare suggests Australia's drift towards a more secular society is damaging the community's sense of wellbeing.

Researcher of the Spirituality and Wellbeing in Australia survey, Dr Peter Kaldor, says results show people with a more secular outlook on life have lower levels of wellbeing than those with a spiritual orientation.

"Those with a spiritual orientation tend to score higher on many of the wellbeing measures included in the study," Dr Kaldor says.

"They tend to have a greater sense of purpose in life, a greater openness to personal growth, and more optimism about life."

Archdeacon Jarrett says finding contentment is still a major concern for Christian women, who because of "wrong expectations or lack of knowledge' can sometimes become totally self-focused through being discontent.

"[Because of] isolation from mature Christians or painful events or material poverty, we can grumble, complain and protest," she says.

"Will a conference on contentment be full of discontented people? No, those coming are women growing in Christian maturity who want to explore what Paul says.

"Achieving contentment is about trusting God and following the example of Jesus, irrespective of circumstances such as grief, pain or disappointment."

The next MAC women's conference is a mission training day on "evangelism without guilt' on August 20th from 9am to 1pm.

Visit the MAC website [url=][/url] for more information about courses and training days.

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