In a saturated market, KYCK says it is staying relevant to teenagers with the one true gospel and brand new technologies.

As the first of two KYCK conventions kicks off tonight at the Katoomba Christian Convention Centre over 2000 teenagers will experience the most relevant message in a most relevant way.

"The primary way we are staying relevant is by teaching the Bible in a way that focuses on Jesus," says KYCK chairman LT Hopper.

"If we keep doing that we will be relevant now and into future."

However, Mr Hopper says modern communication tools like Powerpoint presentations and video screens will be utilised at the convention.

The internet has also been useful for reaching young people with information about KYCK 07.

"We have made our website our main form of communication in promoting the convention and in sharing information about KYCK 07," Mr Hopper says.

"We designed the website to be more user-friendly to young people, to better reflect their world and what they are used to.”

The website includes Flash animation, Christian music soundtrack and easy online registration.

Mr Hopper, who is leaving his role as KYCK chairman following this year's convention, says KYCK is on the "brink of the next step' in using new technologies to reach young people.

"I shouldn't speak for the next chairman, but I would like to see KYCK creating downloadable animations for iPods that could be used to promote the convention, or downloadable MP3s of talks," he says.

"We have to see what the kids are using. If there is a demand for this material, we will see if we can provide it in those formats."

Mr Hopper says the website promoting next year's conference is scheduled to go up within days after the conclusion of the first conference.

KYCK sells out

KCC convention coordinator Alicia Darmanin, says all 2700 tickets have sold out for the second week of KYCK 07 (April 20-22) but people can still register for the first convention this weekend by turning up to the registration tent on site.

As well as talks on the book of Luke exploring what it means to follow Christ, Ms Darmanin says those attending come ready for a unique Saturday night event.

"Let's just say, some dancing will be involved. If people can, they should come prepared," she says.

Music will play an important part of the ministry at KYCK with young Christian musicians Playjerise and Richard Beeston performing at several sessions over both weekends.

"Youth are always listening to music. I would love them to be listening to Christian music which they like and think as relevant. That's what we hope as we introduce artists at KYCK," Mr Hopper says.

Mr Hopper spent three years as KYCK chairman and ten years involved with Katoomba conventions.

"I am pleased we have maintained a continued focus on a Christ-centred, Bible-saturated convention for teenagers. And regos are up this year so the convention is still growing.
Teenagers are still coming to know Jesus."

Three months ago Mr Hopper commenced as senior pastor of Lakeshore Community Church of Christ in Buderim on the Sunshine Coast.

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