Premier Kristina Keneally and Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell have agreed to address and be questioned by church leaders prior to the state election in March.

The Australian Christian Lobby's state director David Hutt says the event, like the leader's debate before the last Federal election, aims "to have the Christian constituency accepted as one whose opinion needs to be considered."

Senior Anglicans will be among those asking questions at the invitation-only function on the 15th February at State Parliament.

Key Issues

The ACL organised a debate before the last federal election between Opposition leader Tony Abbott and the Prime Minister, although Kevin Rudd was rolled by Julia Gillard just days after the broadcast.

The state event will follow a different format and there will not be a live webcast but the comments will be videotaped and posted on the ACL website.

Questions from church leaders are likely to range from euthanasia to ethics lessons.


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