When your life ends at the grave, I can understand the desire to keep your memory living on for as long as possible. Farawayfish is a website (with a funny name) that seeks to help you do just this.

Two services are provided - I’ll let them explain how it works:

  1. Emails: You can write and save emails to your friends or family. If you are on the Silver Lining package you can also post date any of your emails up to 10 years in advance. "¨"¨Remember NO EMAILS get sent out, unless you have died, and ALL the security checks have been satisfied.
  2. Web Profile: Your web profile area is where you can upload and organise into photos, music and videos, and write in your blog area, leaving all those pearls of wisdom and favourite memories for your friends to enjoy. You can also password protect any of your blogs or photos etc. So only those with the password can access these areas once your web profile is published. Nobody can see your web profile until you die, in which case we will publish it, (after running through all the security checks).

There’s a free version, and also a ‘silver lining’ version which includes the rather curious “10 stage email security process - we REALLY check to make sure you have actually died!”. I’ve never seen a website so eager to explain the steps they go to in order to confirm their customers have died!


Personally, I feel it would be a bit presumptuous of me to think that 10 years after I’ve died I’ll still have something to say that people want to hear (I wonder what people think now, and I’m very much alive!).

It’s a great comfort as Christians to know that we will only be separated for a time - death provides a comma, not a full stop. Then we will be reunited and can continue enjoying eternity together forever in the presence of God himself. I’m looking forward to that.

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