A series of consultations has begun on creating 18 mission areas throughout the diocese, with Archbishop Peter Jensen telling the meetings he is more convinced than ever about the proposal.

Dr Jensen has attended three meetings so far, in Dapto, Hurstville and Georges Hall and has told sydneyanglicans.net "we've certainly received feedback and I have learned several things as people have talked to us about their local experience."

15 more meetings are planned over the next 5 weeks and each will hear from the Archbishop, Bishop Ivan Lee and Anglicare research staff who were given the brief to draft boundaries for the new areas.

Feedback is also being gathered from rectors about the Connect09 campaign prior to a survey and full report later in the year.

Dr Jensen says Mission Areas are a natural progression from Connect09.

Research prior to the campaign showed despite good work in many parishes, there was little sharing of ideas and few partnerships.

Dr Jensen also believes the weaknesses of the regional system are clear, so thew new system will bring mission closer to the ground.

"It was obvious all the time that our regions were too big and the needs of one area of a region don't correspond to the needs of another area and culturally they are so far removed from each other that it is very difficult for a regional office to service the whole."

Archbishop Jensen also reminded the meetings of the announcement at Synod, that the active Connect09 campaign will continue until Easter, under the slogan Connect for Life. Dr Jensen said there was ‘plenty of life left’ in the resources including the Colin DVD, The Essential Jesus and the magazine version of Mark.

Rectors from across the Diocese have been invited to the meetings, along with parish representatives.



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