It would seem hypocritical to be writing about this with one minute to go till my deadline for submission. But at least, you are hearing from an expert and a master at this.

Let’s begin by talking about “other people”. My reflections lead me to these conclusions:

* THEY share grand plans for being more active in God’s kingdom. But these grand plans always seem to be two years in the future, no matter what year you talk to them.

* THEY speak passionately about wanting to reach the lost. But their address book tells a different story.

* THEY long to live a more committed, joyous, loving, faithful, sacrificial Christian life. But there’s bills to pay, there’s other things to do first, there’s too much to lose right now.

* THEY wish and want things to change. But they themselves do not want to change.

Sound familiar?

Should do, because “they” is “we”, and “we” is “me”. The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us to:

Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them” (Ecc 12:1)

You’re only forever young once. The old-timers would talk about “redeeming the time”. Translation? Let’s turn our backs on the sinful art of procrastination, and make the most of Today, while it is still called Today.

What small or great thing can we / you / I do for God TODAY before eyes grow dim, before energies wane, and before minds turn to mush?

Andrew is's resident digital scholar and the pastor of the Asian Bible Church (ABC), a congregation of St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, and the organiser of the Queen’s Birthday Convention.

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