Church leaders around the world are calling on all people of faith to offer prayers for those caught up in the series of explosions that have rocked London in the past 24 hours.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Rowan Williams, has expressed his horror at the devestation which has left at least 52 people dead and as many as 350 maimed or injured.

“The appalling events in London this morning have shocked us all. So I want first and foremost to extend my personal sympathy and condolences to everyone who is suffering and grieving at this time,” Archbishop Williams says.

A terrorist group calling itself the Organisation of Al Qaeda Jihad in Europe has claimed responsibility for seven explosions that targeted early morning commuters on three inner-city railway stations and one bus.

The previously unheard of organisation has used a 200 word statement on the Internet to threaten further attacks on Italy, Denmark and other countries with troop commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Archbishop Rowan Williams has joined with British Muslim leaders in condemning the bombings as ‘evil’ while praising the efforts of those involved in the rescue work.

“All those caught up in this tragedy - and that includes of course the emergency services whose selfless dedication and commitment is so vital at times like this - all are in my own prayers and in the prayers of a great many people,” he says.

The Archbishop’s full statement may be read here.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has left the G8 conference in Scotland to personally oversee London’s emergency services and offer comfort to a shell-shocked city that was so recently celebrating its selection as the host for the 2012 Olympic Games.

St Paul’s Cathedral will remain open for private prayer as the Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres, prepares to hold a special Evensong service at 4.00 PM (GMT).

Bishop Chartres reports the city’s clergy are teaming with emergency crews to bring much needed support.

“London’s clergy have been working alongside the Emergency Services since early this morning and churches close to affected areas have been opened for shelter, aid and prayer,” he says.

Messages of prayer and support will be posted as they become available

Photo courtesy AAP

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