During university semesters Blakehurst parishioner Ian Morrison may be a mild mannered architecture student. But as the sun rises on the July school holidays he is transformed into Mullet Man - heroic master of Bible stories and messy games.

Ian has suffered a mullet hair cut and had his remaining locks dyed blue for the sake of the gospel.

The hair and the cape complete his assumption of the title role in the St Martin's holiday kids club "The Amazing Adventures of Mullet Man and Glitter Girl'.

"We advertised the week as "The Amazing Adventures of " ' without saying who it would be to add a bit of suspense," Ian says.

This is fifth year St Martin's have run a holiday kids club, and the third year that Ian has led the event.

"We’ve had skits with the two heroes as we have worked through the book of John," he says.

"In one skit Mullet Man and Glitter Girl read about starving children in the newspaper and try feeding the kids their with one sandwich. We then read about Jesus feeding the 5000."

"In another skit Mullet Man loses Mullet Lion (a stuffed toy) on top of a light. He goes up the ladder to get it then realises he is afraid of heights,” Martin laughs. “We had to call the fire brigade to save him."

"We linked this back to the Bible and the fact that we’re not good enough to get into Heaven ourselves. We taught the kids that we have to rely on Jesus coming into the world to save us," Ian says.

Over 50 children have attended each day of the kids club which finishes this morning at Blakehurst.

However, Ian says the games may end but the week goes on.

This Sunday St Martin's is holding a combined 10am family service and carnival to attract kids club members and their parents.

"Hopefully we can get all the kids to come back to pick up their craft things, and bring their parents."

"(Rector) Stuart Milne will speak evangelistically then after the service there will be a jumping castles, fairy floss and we will show a video of the kids club week we have put together. It makes it a 6 day rather than a 5 day thing."

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