Two Sydney CMS workers are making significant inroads with Slovenia's student population.

Slovenia is one of Europe's smallest nation, with a population of less than two million.

ZVESh is the Slovenian national Christian student movement affiliated with IFES, and is working amongst Slovenia's 43,000 university students.

CMS missionaries Leon and Lee (surname deleted for security) are working alongside ZVESh, which is growing in maturity and self-sufficiency.

The university group is led by Slovene Christians, including Nenad who has just been appointed ZVESh's first General Secretary.

He divides his time between the student organisation and part-time with the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia's capital.

Leon says a key goal is to connect with Christian students through the annual student fair, held during orientation week at the beginning of the academic year.

"Our stand at the fair was well organised by ZVESh members and provided a number of good conversations and much needed profile raising," Leon said.

Leon also spoke on the topic of "Evil' at the university's culture centre, with advertising attracting 11 first-time student visitors.

"The talk and 40 minutes of question time provided many opportunities to draw folk's attention to the awesome sovereignty and goodness of God in Christ. Please keep praying for the follow-up of contacts and Bible teaching in ZVESh groups."