Picture a scene with me. Over the course of six weeks a total of 40 people, including a number ‘off the street’,  fringe members, and regulars with friends roll up to a new style Monday night ‘gathering’. People walk in through the front door of a real estate agent and are directed to a room at the back.

Immediately the atmosphers changes. The lighting is dimmed, a small stage is set up (with mikes and guitars at the ready) and 9 coffee-style tables, seating four people, have been neatly arranged around the room. It is a very small room, really.

On each table is a menu. The offerings include a range of warm seafood and gourmet sandwiches. The ‘bar’ is always open. All kinds of beverages (hot and cold) are available through the night. There is no charge. The evening, in its entirety, is free.

Shortly after 6.45pm the host takes the mike and welcomes people. There is friendly banter between host and those at the tables. The lady with the miniature poodle-type-dog in her cane basket (‘Angel’ ) happily tells the group what she’d been doing in her day. Tonight she’s brought along her husband, a neighbour, her adult daughter and her fiancee. All completely ‘unchurched’.

People are in high spirits - even more so after the first ‘set’. The guest musician is brilliant. He mixes some ‘Beatles’ classics with some of his own compositions. People sing along. They love him. Actually, they love the environment. I know it’s hackneyed, but I think they’re experiencing ‘community’.

As the night rolls on, the host introduces the theme of ‘spirituality’ and the person Jesus. He speaks (no notes) and people interact. The closest equivalent is ‘stand-up’ comedy. To be honest, its a free-for-all. Everyone has an opinion. And they express it. Loudly.

Another set and then time for conversations around tables. Of their own volition (and because the room is so small), people turn and engage in dialogue with neighbouring tables.

At 8.00pm the host thanks everyone for coming and invites them back next week.

And now a confession. After 2 ‘seasons’ - (12 weeks) I discontinued this ministry.

My aim was to move people from this ill defined gathering into more intentional ‘process-evangelism’ type groups. The ‘congregation’ (!) had other ideas. They simply wanted to hang out…to have the freedom to turn up or stay at home.

I couldn’t cope with the irregular nature of things and the seeming lack of gospel progress.

Talk about blind! Here was bunch of people - many of whom had never been exposed to Christianity - and I was expecting them to jump through my hoops. Pathetic.

The tragedy is that some of the people I mentioned (such as the dog lady) have not been seen since.

I reckon we had a genuine ‘fresh expression’ (to use the lingo) and I did not recognise it as such.

Bottom line? I killed a church. ‘Ecclesiacide’. Very serious. Sorry.

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