Tasmanian church goers are crying out for Sydney to help reach a population swelled by settling families.

The Rev David Rietveld says many mainlanders are forgoing the rat-race and moving to Tasmania for a slower paced existence.

"You can understand the attraction " you can leave your front door and be at work in twenty minutes," the Hobart-based pastor says.

But Mr Rietveld says local Anglican churches are ill-equipped to deal with the growing population of young families.

"Most Anglican churches don’t have youth, young adults or young families. There are only three youth groups in the state that would have more than a dozen kids in them."

Mr Rietveld is asking Sydney congregations to consider sending help to run beach and kids missions over the holiday breaks.

He says he would like to see his church hall covered with camping Sydneysiders ready to lend a hand in local missions.

But Tasmania's biggest need is for committed workers.

"What we'd most be looking for would be people wanting to do MTS internships for a year or two. Our intern program is already linked with the program in Sydney," Mr Rietveld says.

Mr Rietveld has only been rector at Bay West Anglican in Sandy Bay for nine months, but he's already sensing the growing desire to evangelise.

Bay West has already planted a new congregation at 5.00 PM specifically targeting young families.

The appointment of an evangelical bishop in Tasmania with a passion for mission is slowly transforming the character of the diocese.

"It’s moving away from maintenance and there are more, younger evangelicals that are coming into the state," Mr Rietveld says.

The call to support local missions in Tasmania is in line with a resolution recently passed by the Sydney Diocesan Synod.

Resolution number 8 recognises Sydney's responsibility to support parishes hit by economic hardship, particular those in Tasmania, Northwest Australia and Armidale.

In part, it calls on "Parishes in the Diocese of Sydney with the means to do so, to "adopt-a-parish' in these dioceses, by providing financial and other support."

The matter has been referred to Sydney's Mission Taskforce for further consideration.

Christians keen to assist Bay West Anglican are encouraged to contact David Rietveld.

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