Organisers of the Ignite film competition are finding themselves awash with entries for this year's water-themed event at the Sydney Town Hall.

The Christian film competition has attracted almost double the number of entries on last year, with 37 features crowding for a spot on the bill.

"I’m really impressed by the attitude of the people who are entering," says event co-ordinator Deb Chen.

"Most people haven’t even asked about the prizes - they’re just keen to see their films drawing attention to the Gospel."

Last year's finalists, released to DVD, have been making the rounds of a variety of Christian events.

"We’ve had websites, church services and Beach Mission ‘academy award’ nights asking to use the films - and the film makers are always really keen to see their work helping out," Ms Chen says.

This year's competition challenged film-makers to take a bible story involving water and translate it from print to light.

The 2005 Grand Jury Prize amounts to $2,500 from the Mary Bladon Christian Fellowship.

And for the winner of the Viewer's Choice award, a data projector from Christian Multimedia.

Entrants include experienced producers as well as some of the city's most under-developed film-makers.

"An eleven year old boy wrote me an email just to let me know that he played the snail in his Sunday school group's puppet show video," Ms Chen says.

"He was so excited " he just had to let me know "The Burwood puppets are going to be the best!'"

All entries will make it to the big screen at the Town Hall during one of three session on September 17.

Tickets are $15 a session or $30 for an all day pass which includes the awards ceremony in the evening. Groups of more than 20 qualify for a discount.

Further details are available on the Ignite website.