Union and church leaders agree. Australian Christians must fight to stop the Federal Government from making Sunday - our "day of rest' - a thing of the past. 

Over the weekend, the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, released a formal statement on the Federal Government's Industrial Relations reforms.

He emphasises the changes to workplace relations can neither be "disregarded nor taken lightly'.

"For they affect the lives and income of a major section of the community, both individuals and families."

He adds that the impact on Sundays should be of particular concern to Christians.

"The erosion of Sunday as a day of rest and a day for worship of God is a matter of concern for Christians,” Dr Jensen says.

“The need for a day of leisure and rest, and for time to spend in family activities must always be a priority for our nation.”

On Sunday, thousands of Sydneysiders packed the Sydney Olympic site for a "Family Fun Day' in protest of the proposed changes.

The day featured free rides and kids’ musical group The Hooley Dooleys.

NSW Unions boss, John Robertson has told picnickers that churches are at the forefront of the protest because they can see how the changes will undermine family relationships, marriage and even Sunday worship.

Mr Robertson has explained that church leaders are telling him of cases where people have been forced to work on Sundays when they wanted to attend a church service.

Dr Jensen says Sydney Anglicans should wait until the Government announces details of its proposals before making a final judgement, but adds the Bible provides principles to assess the reform proposals.

"This nation and its political leaders must be committed to ensuring optimum working conditions for the nations' workers; a living wage that will mean everyone has the ability to provide for themselves and their families the necessities of life; strong unions that will represent workers; and the preservation of leisure time for families to be together for rest and recreation and to maintain their relationships," Dr Jensen says.

Read Dr Jensen's full statement 

Photographs courtesy ACTU ‘Rights @ work’ media campaign