Some years ago I was chatting to a mate, a dyed-in-the-wool atheist who had made a bit of a hobby out of baiting me about my faith.

“You know Craig,” he said. “Even if heaven were true, I wouldn’t want to go there.”

“Why’s that?”

“The thought of spending eternity with Christians is appalling!” he said, with obvious sincerity.

I laughed out loud. I must admit, there are times when I’ve felt the same. But not often. Generally, my relationships with other Christians are the most satisfying relationships I have. They are outstanding people, who I feel blessed and privileged to know.

Scripture does not give a concrete description of heaven, preferring to use metaphor and simile. But it’s plain that relationships are at the heart of the matter - relationships with God and with other people. Jesus is so keen on relationships that he compares heaven to a party (Luke 15), and I think it’s fair to say it would be the greatest party any of us could imagine. And that thought is far from appalling…

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